Testing report
Complete LED luminaire tests on the effects of gamma radiation were conducted at Casaccia Research Center, ENEA in Italy.
The test lasted for about 47 hours. During that time, our LED luminaires were receiving a gamma radiation at a dose rate of 3.3kGy/h. After the test was finished, luminaires received a total dose of 156kGy and were still in working condition.
Test Reports on GAMMA radiation
of Luminos Nuclear LED luminaires to gamma radiation.

GAMMA Radiation testing in Casaccia Research Center, ENEA
LED luminaires ready for testing. Placed 20cm from Co-60 source rack

Dewesoft measuring system for electric parameters measurements, during LED driver testing inside Cobalt-60 irradiation facility

The irradiation test started on 06/05/2024 at 11:00 and ended on 09/05/2024 at 09:30, was performed in multiple step mode for a total irradiation time of 47h 40’ 56’’ with and average dose rate of 3.31kGy/h. At the end of the irradiation test, the LED luminaries were still in working condition.
Three different Luminos Nuclear LED luminaires were positioned 20cm away from the Co-60 source rack. The Calliope Facility consists of a pool-type gamma irradiation plant (Co-60 source, mean energy of 1.25 MeV) with a maximum licensed activity of 3.7 10^15 Bq (Cat. A Clearance), of a dosimetric laboratory and of a laboratory for the characterization and treatment of the samples before and/or after irradiation.
Test report on the resistance of Luminos Nuclear LED luminaires to gamma radiation.